
Israel is a global innovation hub and high-tech company.

Israel's path to innovation began long ago, with the first Kibbutzim founded by immigrants from 130 countries experimenting with new social structures and agricultural practices.

Having acquired the habit of risking and inventing, curbing obstacles and difficulties, the Israelis moved from agriculture to industry, introducing new methods and practices.

Since the days of the first Kibbutzniks, Israeli innovation has come a long way. Having made impressive advances in computer technology, Israelis have moved towards effective AgriTech solutions, life-saving medical technologies, Fintech, and especially in the Information and Cyber Security field.

Israel's top educational and academic institutions have helped create a nation of scientists, engineers, doctors and professors who constantly strive to be leaders in their field.

Israel's contribution to world progress is enormous and especially striking compared to the country's small size. Israel's attractiveness to venture capital results from government action to encourage and support innovation.

Israel is ranked 16th in the number of historical Nobel prize winners despite its tiny size of the population.

In the past, Israel was called "the land flowing with milk and honey". But now, this epithet should align with the new times, "The Nation of Innovation".

«Startup Nation» - Israel is the second largest ‘Silicon Valley’ in the world (number of hi-tech startups). There are currently 9,484 active high-tech companies in Israel, of which more than half are in the stage of initial revenues and revenue growth (annual revenues of over $10 million). Israel is by far the number one country in the world counting number of startups per capita (1 startup per 1,000 people of the general population and 1 startup per 500 adults (20yr-60yr)).

Once, the legendary investor Warren Buffett said: "If you are looking for oil in the Middle East, you can skip Israel. But if you need brains, human capital, and advanced technology, then look no further".